IMO Shortlist 1993 problem A5
Avg: 0.0Težina:
Avg: 8.0 and , are integers such that – is a square-free positive integer P. For example P could be 3*5, but not 3^2*5. Let be the number of pairs of integers such that . Show that is finite and that for every positive integer .
Original Statement:
Let be given integers where are (distinct) prime numbers. Let denote the number of pairs of integers for which Prove that is finite and for every integer Note that the "" in and the "" in do not have to be the same.
Original Statement:
Let be given integers where are (distinct) prime numbers. Let denote the number of pairs of integers for which Prove that is finite and for every integer Note that the "" in and the "" in do not have to be the same.
Source: Međunarodna matematička olimpijada, shortlist 1993